Monday, August 23, 2010

The First Day of School: Sniff, Sniff, Hooray!

Aaah, the mix of emotions that come with the first day of school. My sweet Maddie started first grade today and I’m not quite sure how I feel. She, of course, was thrilled and elated and couldn’t wait to get started on the year. Dropping her off was bitter sweet—I am so proud of her and ready for her to succeed, but she’s also my baby and it’s hard to let her go! Maddie is in a Spanish Immersion program at her school, and will spend half of her day learning in Spanish and half in English. The program requires the Spanish teachers to speak Spanish only to their students, and consequently their parents, when in the presence of the students. Maddie’s teacher greeted us in Spanish and I was so relieved when Maddie could understand and answer her. I managed to squeak out an “Hola” and a “Gracias” and that’s pretty much it. We got her all settled in at her desk and it was time to go. Poor Paige thought she was going to stay for school too, and started bawling (in English…so all the other Mom’s could understand). Chad did his best to make her feel better, but her little heart was broken. Paigey and I both cried as we walked home. We’ll console ourselves later with a trip to Hobby Lobby, and we’ll be just fine. ☺

All settled in and ready for a great year!

She sat like this in the garage for 20 minutes after we got home...poor thing!


The Christensen's said...

I can't believe she is in 1st grade!! It seems like just yesterday we were helping her climb down your stairs in Alabama. As always give those two sweethearts loves and kisses from us!!

barbiebharris said...

Maddie looks so happy and ready to go! What a cutie! Poor Paige, she thinks she's ready to go, too! I loved knowing how her first day went. Boy, how time flies!

Herrings said...

I can't believe she's in 1st grade! She looks so happy and excited. Poor little Paigey wants so bad to be with her big sis. Miss and love you guys.

The Austad Family said...

So cute! Maddie looks ecstatic at her desk. How fun! Lauren loved it too and didn't want to leave. Poor Sammy pulled the same stunt as Paige. Paige's face kills me in that picture; it says it all. LOL! Come on over and we'll both console each other with some chocolate.

Kristin said...

Cute Maddie, and poor little Paigie! I think first grade is harder than kindergarten--no more lunch at home with mom. Maddie looks so cute and grown up. I hope she has a great year! Maybe Maddie can teach you some Spanish!

Lid said...

I LOVE your blog!! Super cute pics and stories. I'm so glad you finally have one!! First grade is a hard one.. I feel like I don't ever see Bo anymore. After school he just wants to play with friends and he's gone all day.. :( Time goes too fast. Love you guys and your cute little girls!!