Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chemotherapy and Praying for Rain

One of my favorite quotes is "If you're going to pray for rain, be prepared to deal with a little mud." These words have never been more applicable than they are right now, as I watch my sweet mom battle cancer. When someone you love is handed a cancer diagnosis, you immediately start praying; praying for a cure, praying for a successful treatment, praying to find the best doctors, and then praying for those doctors. In our case, we are very fortunate that my mom's cancer typically responds well to chemothereapy, or as her as her nurses call it her "chemo cocktail." We all prayed for the rain, and we feel very fortunate that we got it. Now comes the not-so-fun part: dealing with the mud. The side effects of chemo are numerous, and pretty miserable. Mom has been incredibly brave. A couple of days ago her hair began to fall out. It was completely expected, but completely shocking at the same time. Last night we got together and had a little "party" to shave her head. As you all know, the Harris women will find any excuse to have a good party, and this was no exception. We all wore matching t-shirts that said "Fight like a Girl" with the pink ribbon. Mom's shirt said "Of course these are fake, my real ones tried to kill me." This experience has taught us you have to laugh when you can, and then cry when you need to. Last night we did both. Mom, I want you to know that you are more beautiful today than you have ever been. Your hair is not what makes you beautiful. When I look at you, I see your strength, courage, faith and determination. You are a survivor and I am so proud of you. I know that this storm has brought a lot of rain, and a lot of mud. As it is with any storm, the clouds eventually part, and you are left with a beautiful, new day. Just remember--this storm will pass, your hair will grow back and you will be a strong and healthy cancer survivor. Before you know it, you'll be teasing it up and spraying it down, just like the good ol' days. I love you, Mom.

Me and Mom, just before the haircut

The Sisters, sporting our T-shirts

Friday, September 10, 2010

Locks and Lots of Love

As many of you know, my sweet mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in May. You think it’s never going to happen to you (and certainly not to your sweet mom) But when it does, a very interesting thing happens. You dig deep and find out exactly what you’re made of. As is turns out (and as I’ve known all along) my mom is made of some pretty great stuff. I just want to take this chance to let my mom know how proud I am of her. She has been incredibly strong, and has kept her sense of humor throughout the entire experience. She has endured several horrible procedures and a five-and-a-half hour surgery (along with all of the unpleasantries that come along with such a big surgery and recovery). When she was first diagnosed, she told me she was a tough old bird, and that it would take more than cancer to do her in (her words, not mine). She wasn’t kidding, she really is tough. This is a woman who has already had four total joint replacements (two hips, two knees) and had six children naturally (and when I say naturally, I mean NATURALLY--no epidural, no block, nothing). Not to mention, she survived raising said children…six hormonal, emotional girls. She truly is a tough old bird (again, her words).

When we found out about mom’s cancer, I was trying to explain it to my kids. We were talking about the medicine that would make Grandma’s hair fall out, and my sweet Maddie said she wanted to cut her hair to donate to Locks of Love, so that her hair could be used for a wig for someone else’s Grandma. My mom is a wonderful Grandma, and all of her grandchildren adore her. This is a big week for my mom. She starts her chemo on Wednesday. She will have four months of Chemo, followed by daily radiation for an additional six weeks. Mom, I want you to remember that each day you are further along in your journey; the journey from cancer patient, to cancer survivor. I know the road is long and will be difficult, but we are all here for you--your family, your friends. We are all cheering you on and ready to do whatever it takes to help you fight. You are so loved. I wish love was the answer--the magic medicine--because there would be no question, you could consider yourself cured. You have already proven that you are a fighter. I know you can do this, and I know that you know too. I love you so very much. I will be sending my prayers and good thoughts your way every single day. Love you most. :)

Maddie with Grandma just before her haircut.

Sooo Cute! Aunt Allie did such a great job!

Me and my Mom

Happy Birthday, Baby!

Written September 2…just posting now. My bad☹

My sweet Paige turned 3 years old today. We’ve had a wonderful week of celebrating! I know she wonders what in the world is going on with all of the parties because when she woke up this morning and I told her it was her birthday she said "Oh My, It's my birthday AGAIN?" It’s hard to believe three years have come and gone already. She has been an absolute delight from the moment she was placed in my arms. I want to celebrate my sweet Paige by sharing some of the things I love most about her. Paige is a bit of a party animal. You can always count on her if you want to have a good time. She is always ready to play and be silly. She is a happy little thing, and VERY animated. I have never known a child to talk with her hands as much as she does. She is constantly using her hands to get her point across; Her signature move is to put one hand on her hip and use her other hand to emphasize what she is trying to say. The combination of her sweet little voice, and her face so animated and full of emotion is enough to crack me up pretty much every time she opens her mouth. I love that on most mornings, Paige asks to have Mac and Cheese for breakfast, or as she calls it "Mac-n-Cheeseroni" (By the way, on those mornings, I've been known to fix her Mac-n-Cheeseroni...if it's good enough for lunch, it's good enough for breakfast, right?) I love that her favorite song is Jingle Bells, with Dancing Queen, coming in at a close second. She's a feisty little thing--let's just say that we don't have to worry about her ever being bullied. In fact, she’s been known to make her little boyfriends cry...(I'm certainly not proud of this fact, but I give her Kudos for being able to take care of herself). She loves to snuggle and I absolutely love when she comes up and says "Mommy? You snuggle me?" She loves tomatos and her favorite tv show is the Backyardigans. She adores her sister Maddie and of course her Mommy and Daddy. I have been so proud of her this past month, because she has not let her broken leg slow her down at all. She is smart and beautiful. I absolutely adore my sweet little Paige. Happy Birthday to you, Sweetie!

1 day old

Admiring her cake

10 Seconds later...does this picture surprise anyone? Didn't think so!